Sermons from May 2018

Sermons from May 2018

Counterfeit Truth

Since the very beginning of creation, mankind has been under the attack of lies about God, and false teaching about the truth. Far from improving over time, false teaching accumulates over the years, and our culture is soaked in it. Many popular books, radio programs, songs, TV shows, and even movies that claim to be “Christian” contain old lies that the church has labeled as “heresy” for hundreds of years. How can we be on guard against these lies ourselves, and how can we help defend one another in the church from being led astray? Join us this Sunday to find out.

Relationships: The Transition

The Scripture defines only a handful of male-female relationships. Parent-Child, Siblings, and spouses. We in the church are told to treat each other as family, along these lines. What does the transition from sibling to spouse look like? The world sends us many messages regarding dating, marriage, and sexuality, are any of them useful to us? What does dating look like for christians? Join us as we seek to discern cultural expectations (both worldly and our in-house evangelical culture) from biblical principle, and see how God might lead us here.

Mothers to the Next Generation

God wants children for his kingdom– people who are saved by him, born again, and adopted into his eternal family. And every woman–married or not, young or old– can be God’s agent to influence the next generation.

Reflections on Marriage: One Couple’s Journey

In our day, fewer people are getting married and those who do still have close to a 50% divorce rate. Is it possible for a marriage to not just survive but actually thrive? What are the principles and practices that make for a healthy, growing, and fulfilling marriage? Today, Dave Bovenmyer will give three practices, gained from He and Dawn’s experience in 43 years of marriage, that can help any marriage relationship grow and overflow with passion and joy: 1) Make God the center, 2) Work at marriage, and 3) Work on yourself.

Reflections on Marriage: One Couple's Journey

In our day, fewer people are getting married and those who do still have close to a 50% divorce rate. Is it possible for a marriage to not just survive but actually thrive? What are the principles and practices that make for a healthy, growing, and fulfilling marriage? Today, Dave Bovenmyer will give three practices, gained from He and Dawn’s experience in 43 years of marriage, that can help any marriage relationship grow and overflow with passion and joy: 1) Make God the center, 2) Work at marriage, and 3) Work on yourself.