Sermons from March 2018

Sermons from March 2018

Believe and Be Baptized!

Baptism is one of the most important events and concepts in the Christian faith. Christians have understood baptism in several different ways throughout the centuries. At Stonebrook, we practice “believer’s baptism” as an expression and testimony of our new birth through faith in Christ. It is a command from Jesus, to be done by all who believe, as soon as possible after they believe. We will discuss the different understandings of baptism, what we believe and why, and who should be baptized and when!

Well Supplied by God

Paul’s great passion was to live as a citizen of heaven in a manner that was worthy of the gospel, and he sought to live that way in every part of his life. His heart of contentment, joy, and unselfishness even in times of great need show us the heart of Christ.

Finding Joy and Peace in the Lord

No matter how difficult life becomes, those of us who believe in Jesus can find exultant joy and unfathomable peace as we bring our fears, desires and passions to the Lord in prayer and as we remember who Jesus is and what He has done, is doing, will do.

Citizens of a Heavenly Kingdom Work Toward Only One Goal

What is your idea of “The Good Life”?  What way of life, or standard of living are you working toward? What end result are you running after? What is your goal? Another way of asking it: what would be the most disappointing thing that you could face? What thing are you trying to gain, or hold on to right now, that if you missed it, or it was taken away from you, would ruin your life. Would crush your hopes…