Sermons from January 2018

Sermons from January 2018

Citizens of a Different Kingdom

In his letter to the Christians in Philippi, Paul thanks them for their partnership with him in the work of preaching God’s word, and exhorts them to continue their faithful walk in following Christ, as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, who live a remarkably different life from the rest of the world. In this first section, Paul greets and encourages the church and prays they would be full of love and unity that stems from a knowledge of the truth and discernment of error, so that God may be glorified and praised by the watching world.

Lessons from the Apostle Paul’s Fund Raiser

We know of one fundraiser in the New Testament; the apostle Paul took it upon himself to raise money for poor Christians in Jerusalem. He was led by the Lord to rally Christians and churches to give and was so successful that some gave generously out of extreme poverty.  We can learn a lot from Paul’s wise appeals that can help purify our motives and give us direction as we raise funds for Stonebrook’s Renew Campaign.

Lessons from the Apostle Paul's Fund Raiser

We know of one fundraiser in the New Testament; the apostle Paul took it upon himself to raise money for poor Christians in Jerusalem. He was led by the Lord to rally Christians and churches to give and was so successful that some gave generously out of extreme poverty.  We can learn a lot from Paul’s wise appeals that can help purify our motives and give us direction as we raise funds for Stonebrook’s Renew Campaign.

Perspectives on Money and Heaven

God is the Owner of all and the Provider for all, and he is the foundation for our true perspectives on money and possessions, i.e., Mammon. If we lose sight of this, not only will live in anxiety and error, we will miss out on real treasures—heavenly ones. Jesus is clear on what our heavenly orientation to God and Mammon is.