Sermons from September 2017

Sermons from September 2017

At a Crossroads: Completely Destroy the Canaanites

Israel was commanded by God to drive the Canaanites out of the land and completely destroy those who remain. Although appalling to modern sensibilities, this command can be harmonized with the Bible’s portrayal of a God of perfect love and justice. God has a duty to judge the world and sometimes judges people and nations in the course of history, not always waiting until the final judgment day. We should respect and appreciate God’s judgments, flee from anything that defiles…

At a Crossroads: The Lord is One

The statement of Deuteronomy 6:4 is profoundly simply yet magnificently grand, laying out before the people of Israel the most foundational statement of faith. The people were to reject all the so-called gods of the nations and instead look to the one, true, incomparable, mighty God. From this center point of faith in him spring forth all commands and promises. If one verse can summarize the essence of faith in him, this is it. And so it is even for us, for Jesus tells us that this call to faith and the response of obedience to love the Lord wholeheartedly is our greatest calling today.

At a Crossroads: The Ten Commandments

Along with thunder, lighting, earthquake, fire and smoke, the voice of God boomed out the Ten Commandments from the mountain as over three million Israelites trembled in fear. These commandments are the center of God’s covenant with Israel and a clear call to love God and our neighbor. They show us practically what love looks like. Although we are under a different covenant, nine of the ten commandments are repeated in the new covenant and we can learn much about how to live and please God through them.

At a Crossroads: Listen and Live

As God’s covenant people, Israel was called to “listen and live,” for the Lord wanted to bring them good, not evil. To walk in that goodness, Israel was charged to watch diligently over their souls, not forgetting the great deeds of the Lord, and to remain true to him. Over the next 1000 years of Old Testament history, Israel largely failed at this. While such stubbornness may surprise us, we will actually find many lessons for us today from their story.