Sermons by Matt Heerema (Page 6)

Sermons by Matt Heerema (Page 6)

Matt serves as lead pastor, and focuses on teaching, leadership, and theological development. He and his wife Nancy have four daughters. He is a musician and led in Stonebrook’s music ministry for 15 years before putting the guitar down. Matt is an avid reader and massive sci-fi geek.

Reformation Sunday: Semper Reformanda

500 years ago, the protestant reformation brought the light of the truth of scripture back to a church that had lost its way in the medieval period. The recaptured tenets of the reformation: Salvation by grace through faith alone, personal participation in worship, and scripture as the final authority for faith and practice, are still relevant and essential for us today.

At a Crossroads: Remember Who You Are

Wrapping up the first section of his sermon to the new generation of Israelites, who are about to at last enter the promised land, Moses reminds the nation who they are: stubborn, rebellious, and undeserving, yet loved, chosen, and cherished nation. He exhorts them to never forget this fact, as they are about to enter the promised land. He reminds us today to keep in view who we are without him: stubborn and rebellious, yet loved and chosen. This reminder will keep our hearts in the right posture of humility, gratefulness, joy, and confidence in God’s love for us as His children.

Our Fear & God’s Faithfulness

In the opening chapters of Deuteronomy, Moses begins his sermon to Israel by reminding them of where they came from. Highlighting a few episodes from the 40-year exodus journey, Moses points out how, in spite of Israel’s fear, stubbornness, and rebellion, God led them victoriously to the land He promised to give them, while simultaneously dealing with their disobedience. God’s faithfulness, justice, and mercy are beautifully highlighted in this brief summary to encourage, warn, and instruct us today.

Our Fear & God's Faithfulness

In the opening chapters of Deuteronomy, Moses begins his sermon to Israel by reminding them of where they came from. Highlighting a few episodes from the 40-year exodus journey, Moses points out how, in spite of Israel’s fear, stubbornness, and rebellion, God led them victoriously to the land He promised to give them, while simultaneously dealing with their disobedience. God’s faithfulness, justice, and mercy are beautifully highlighted in this brief summary to encourage, warn, and instruct us today.

Vainglory Part 2

Part 2 – Vainglory: the tendency we have to seek prominence, power, and influence through our accomplishments and efforts. Hear about Pastor Matt’s struggles to fend off pride through the power of the gospel.


Vainglory: the tendency we have to seek prominence, power, and influence through our accomplishments and efforts. Listen in about how to battle pride by walking in the gospel.

Romans 15 God-glorifying Harmony

Introduction The Strong and the Weak In Romans 14, Paul introduces two groups of believers: the “strong” and the “weak”. Dave did an excellent job of discussing these two categories last week.  The weak were converts from Judaism who were still stuck in either the Jewish food & festival laws and customs, and/or converts from Paganism who were still stuck with superstitions of their various cults about foods and holy days.  The strong were converts from either camp who realized…

Romans 15 God-glorifying Harmony

Introduction The Strong and the Weak In Romans 14, Paul introduces two groups of believers: the “strong” and the “weak”. Dave did an excellent job of discussing these two categories last week.  The weak were converts from Judaism who were still stuck in either the Jewish food & festival laws and customs, and/or converts from Paganism who were still stuck with superstitions of their various cults about foods and holy days.  The strong were converts from either camp who realized…

Romans 12 Part 2: Godlike

"Godlike." Romans 12:9-21 – Matt Heerema Romans 12:1 (ESV) I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. THE MERCIES OF GOD (ROMANS 1-11) The first eleven chapters of Romans points out the human condition. We were created by God to be His children, to bring Him Glory by being who He created us to be: worshipers, image bearers, messengers…


It is our habit, at the beginning of a new year, to begin with a short series of sermons on the topic of stewardship. The ideal of a new year, and an opportunity to re-set and make resolutions for the coming year. In some ways the changing of the year is a bit of an arbitrary point, but I think turning the calendar over does give us a handy way to package the past and claim the promise that God’s…

The Rock of Offense

Introduction Reformation Sunday [Sola Gratia, Sola Fide] Review Romans 9:19-23 Isaiah 29:13-16 And the Lord said:  “Because this people draw near with their mouth  and honor me with their lips,  while their hearts are far from me,  and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men,  therefore, behold, I will again  do wonderful things with this people,  with wonder upon wonder;  and the wisdom of their wise men shall perish,  and the discernment of their discerning men shall…

The Justice and Mercy of God

I hope you were able to catch Dave’s sermon last week. If you missed it, I highly recommend that you give it a listen on our Web site. Dave laid out a very very helpful overview of what is going on with Romans 9. I am excited to continue that discussion today.  As Dave mentioned, Romans 9-11 are perhaps some of the most intimidating, and contested passages in the entire Bible. I thought it was amazing that in a 40…

What is the Gospel?

INTRO Pop quiz time! 🙂 Take a minute and write out a summary of the Gospel message. Don’t worry, there will be no grades. I’m not going to ask you to share with anyone. And just to defuse any of you who are more like me, I can imagine myself in your seat, with Brad or Paul asking us to do this, and being a little grumpy and eye-roll-ish about it. So lets just get that out of the way.…

This Body of Death

Dave did an excellent job of reviewing Romans 1 through 6, so I suggest that you go back and review his message on the Web site.  This week we will be back in chapter seven, so if you would open your Bibles with me and turn there, page _____________ in the house bibles if you don’t have one with you.  I also wanted to mention that in a few weeks here, we are planning on spending a Sunday morning with…

The Weight of Worship

What we are trying to do here We are starting off the semester with a few weeks on the topic of stewardship. Last week, Paul spoke about stewarding money (with a very nice title “The Worth of Wealth”.) This week I’d like to talk about stewarding our spiritual disciplines, with a focus on our various gatherings. I’d like to talk about “The Weight of Worship.” So Paul and I are looking at Brad for next week and wondering what his…

What Fruit Were You Getting?

Romans so far. Romans 1-3:  God’s righteousness is revealed in The Gospel through his wrath at unrighteousnesses and ungodliness of every single individual of mankind.  And through His free gift of grace and mercy offered in Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice, which leads to eternal life. Romans 4: This promised eternal life comes only through faith in Jesus’s work for us, and not through any work of our own. Romans 5 All those with faith in Christ’s work are now at…

Sons of Abraham

Review – Paul’s message so far The core message of Romans, and everything that we’ve been talking about so far is that God’s righteousness is revealed in The Gospel message. It is necessary, both because it is such a familiar term to those with a long-history as Christians, and such a foreign term to those who are new to the teachings of the Christian faith, to briefly define “God’s righteousness.”  Both its familiarity and its foreignness make it difficult to…