Sermons by Dave Bovenmyer (Page 3)

Sermons by Dave Bovenmyer (Page 3)

Lessons from the Apostle Paul’s Fund Raiser

We know of one fundraiser in the New Testament; the apostle Paul took it upon himself to raise money for poor Christians in Jerusalem. He was led by the Lord to rally Christians and churches to give and was so successful that some gave generously out of extreme poverty.  We can learn a lot from Paul’s wise appeals that can help purify our motives and give us direction as we raise funds for Stonebrook’s Renew Campaign.

Lessons from the Apostle Paul's Fund Raiser

We know of one fundraiser in the New Testament; the apostle Paul took it upon himself to raise money for poor Christians in Jerusalem. He was led by the Lord to rally Christians and churches to give and was so successful that some gave generously out of extreme poverty.  We can learn a lot from Paul’s wise appeals that can help purify our motives and give us direction as we raise funds for Stonebrook’s Renew Campaign.

At a Crossroads: Deuteronomy Wrap Up – Be Careful and Watch Your Heart

Although Christians do not participate in the covenant that God made with Israel, there is much we can learn from that covenant. God rescued Israel from cruel bondage in Egypt, cared for them in the wilderness, and gave them the ten commandments and many other personal and societal laws. His purpose was to develop and instill faith and obedience in their hearts. We also can turn our hearts toward God and His blessing by loving His Word, sticking with the Church, remembering His works, and cultivating an honest, open heart.

At a Crossroads: Blessed or Cursed?

In His covenant with Israel, God promised amazing blessings to the nation if they remained loyal and obedient to Him and horrific curses if they forsook Him and turned to other gods. Christians are not under Israel’s covenant, but are under the New Covenant—which also contains promises and warnings, but with significant differences. Yet, Christians, too, must love and honor God in order to be blessed.

At a Crossroads: Completely Destroy the Canaanites

Israel was commanded by God to drive the Canaanites out of the land and completely destroy those who remain. Although appalling to modern sensibilities, this command can be harmonized with the Bible’s portrayal of a God of perfect love and justice. God has a duty to judge the world and sometimes judges people and nations in the course of history, not always waiting until the final judgment day. We should respect and appreciate God’s judgments, flee from anything that defiles…

At a Crossroads: The Ten Commandments

Along with thunder, lighting, earthquake, fire and smoke, the voice of God boomed out the Ten Commandments from the mountain as over three million Israelites trembled in fear. These commandments are the center of God’s covenant with Israel and a clear call to love God and our neighbor. They show us practically what love looks like. Although we are under a different covenant, nine of the ten commandments are repeated in the new covenant and we can learn much about how to live and please God through them.

The Gospel is the Power of God for Salvation

We call this book the Bible.  Interestingly, the word “Bible” mean “book.” But this is not actually one book but 66 books or 66 writings written by 40 different authors over a 1,500 year time period.   We are beginning a study of one of those writings, the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Romans. But it might be even a bit misleading to call it a letter.  Because it is unlike a typical letter that you or I…

Born Again to a Living Hope

  Introduction Today and over the next 8 weeks, we will be studying the book of 1 Peter. It’s a book that talks a lot about suffering. The word “suffer” is used 11 times. Today Christians who are suffering are in the news. This is the the 14th letter of the Arabic alphabet, a noon. It’s the equivalent to the Roman letter N. The ن stands for Nasara or Nazarenes, a pejorative Arabic word for Christians. As the Islamic State…

Spiritual Disciplines for the New Year

Don’t you love to watch people who are good at what they do? It doesn’t matter what it is, when you come across someone who is great at what they do, it is awe inspiring. It’s fun to watch. I’d like to show you a news clip that features my father-in-law. George used to tell the story of how he made a bet with someone. This fellow was skeptical that he could do what you just saw him do. George…