Sermons on 2 Corinthians

Sermons on 2 Corinthians

The Marks of a Minister + Q&A session

As a minister of the New Covenant, Paul gave his heart and life to the proclamation of the good news about Jesus. He demonstrated his authenticity by his perseverance through great affliction and through his sacrificial, loving, and Spirit-filled actions. As we look at Paul’s life we can have confidence that Jesus really did appear to him, radically transforming his life. And, along with Paul, we should wholeheartedly believe in what God has one in Jesus Christ and give of…

The Marks of a Minister + Q&A session

As a minister of the New Covenant, Paul gave his heart and life to the proclamation of the good news about Jesus. He demonstrated his authenticity by his perseverance through great affliction and through his sacrificial, loving, and Spirit-filled actions. As we look at Paul’s life we can have confidence that Jesus really did appear to him, radically transforming his life. And, along with Paul, we should wholeheartedly believe in what God has one in Jesus Christ and give of…

Ministers of Reconciliation

When we become a Christian, God gives us a task: “the ministry of reconciliation.” Not only does he reconcile us to himself, but he makes us into coworkers with him in his plan to reconcile his people to himself from all over the world. This week we will discuss a core component of our new relationship with God through Christ: becoming ambassadors for the most high God to a lost world.

Motivation for Ministry

Eternity. As Christians we believe in “forever,” not just as cute words in a love song, but as our future reality in the kingdom of God. The challenge we face is, do we live every day like “forever” is true? Is it on our minds? Do we see people in light of eternity? The Apostle Paul had deep, deep convictions about such things, and these convictions motivated him in his ministry for Jesus Christ. He walked by faith, not by sight. Future judgment, the fear of the Lord, and the love of Christ—all such things compelled him to speak of Christ to the church and the world, and to persevere in this life of faith.

Treasure in Jars of Clay

A walk of faith is a life that is truly convinced of certain things about God and eternity. Such a confidence transforms us, strengthening us from the inside out and changing our perspectives on life here on earth and beyond. While Paul’s role as an apostle has some differences from our roles in the church, the principles remain unchanged. Paul fully intends that what he believes with all his heart will be passed on to us, and that we, too, will live our lives fully devoted to Jesus for the sake of his people, all to the glory of God.

Reflecting His Glory

When God made a covenant with Israel, He revealed Himself so clearly and gloriously to Moses that the skin on his face shone. The Israelites were afraid, so Moses covered his face with a veil. Fifteen hundred years later, Jesus inaugurated a new covenant with even more glory. As we fix our gaze on Jesus, we will be transformed into the image of God, boldly living and speaking and reflecting His glory to the world around us, bringing healing and hope to all who respond

Our Sufficiency for the Task

Christians can have confidence for this ministry when they realize that God’s Word is sufficient for accomplishing the task, and so speak it with sincerity and boldness.

Saints on Parade

The message of the gospel of Christ is perplexing: God offers life forever and ever through his Son, yet mankind reacts against it so commonly and strongly. How could this be? Our Lord Jesus, the Apostle Paul, and millions of Christians since then have contended with this gospel, a message that smells good to some but stinks to others. Similarly, this is our assignment from God, to spread this fragrance everywhere with God as he parades the glorious message of life, and he calls us to join him.

Stewardship – One for every ten – The Tithe

Most of us who have been around the church for any length of time are aware of the idea of “tithes and offerings”. We might even be aware that “the bible teaches we should give 10% of our income to the local church” – but does it really? What is the tithe? Should Christians tithe? Are you tithing? Does it matter? How much should you be giving? To who? How often? This sermon continues our series on giving by examining…


It is our habit, at the beginning of a new year, to begin with a short series of sermons on the topic of stewardship. The ideal of a new year, and an opportunity to re-set and make resolutions for the coming year. In some ways the changing of the year is a bit of an arbitrary point, but I think turning the calendar over does give us a handy way to package the past and claim the promise that God’s…

The Weight of Worship

What we are trying to do here We are starting off the semester with a few weeks on the topic of stewardship. Last week, Paul spoke about stewarding money (with a very nice title “The Worth of Wealth”.) This week I’d like to talk about stewarding our spiritual disciplines, with a focus on our various gatherings. I’d like to talk about “The Weight of Worship.” So Paul and I are looking at Brad for next week and wondering what his…

Don't Waste It. Part 2: The Gospel Lens

Last week, this week and next week, Brad, Paul, we are taking some time to talk big-picture. Like really big picture: all of life. Our theme for these weeks: “Don’t Waste It. God’s Glory & Your Life”.  So you know, very specific and easily applicable.  So, two big concepts, often spoken of in the church. So familiar, in fact, that we need to take time this morning and define both of them. Defining Glory Last week, Pastor Paul showed us…