Rochester Church Planters Update

Rochester Church Planters Update

Rochester Church Planters Update
(Christie Johnson, Teresa Blader, Hannah Frye, Emily Visser, Adriana Harle)

Here are some brief notes from a few of the ladies who attended Stonebrook and are now in the midst of starting Living Hope Church in Rochester.

From Christie:
“For I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’” – Isaiah 41:13
Recently, I was watching a friend’s toddler at the park. He was anxious to get back to the sandbox, which was up a tiny hill and over a wooden beam. So, he got up on shaky legs and started up the hill, only to stumble and roll back to where I was sitting. He looked ready to give up, the task just too difficult. I reached out and offered my hand, I think even just one finger, to help. He immediately smiled, grabbed my finger, pulled himself up and made his way to the sandbox, quite satisfied with himself.

That sweet experience was such an intense picture for me of this verse in Isaiah that I had read recently. How often do I try to do things and fail right away, or don’t even attempt something because it feels too scary or difficult? And it is so easy to forget that God is right next to me, offering His hand, even just one finger, making the task doable. Whether it’s persevering through a kitchen remodel, tackling Sunday morning with a migraine, talking to a stranger at the park, or jumping in as referee to fighting kids for what seems like the millionth time that day, He is right there offering His strength and His perspective. This verse seems so simple but has been profound in my walk with the Lord lately.

From Teresa:
I graduated from college. Moved to a new city. Got a new job. Bought a house. Got new roommates. Joined a new church. Was there anything left in my life to go unchanged? There was no comfort in the “usual” to depend on. I had to Google Maps everything for the first few weeks: the grocery store, the gas station, other people’s houses. I sat down at prayer with the other saints, we’ve all felt that similar strain. Every day was breathing: This is where I live now; this is my house now; this is my church family now. Random bursts of tears while I am driving down the road grieving the losses, expressing the fear. Change is hard, but here I am, Lord. Verses that rolled through my head often were “But, the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.” “We are aliens and strangers in a foreign land.” I would feel some of that.

Amidst feeling the internal lack of security, my one confidence in pursuing all of this change was the Lord’s leading and guidance, or at least my conviction of it, and His promise that He works all things together for the good of those who love Him. I wish I could say that all of this really helped me draw near to the Lord, but my heart has actually been quite stubborn and doubtful that my times of prayer and reading were really meaningful and a worthwhile way to spend my time. However, my roommate, Emily, initiated having quiet times together in the morning before work and I decided to slowly read through Hebrews. Sometimes you just need someone else to come a long side of you.

Amidst feeling distant from the Lord, my new job turned out to be a lot of individual monotonous work in a place where I felt like a new kid at school that no one really wanted to talk to, which was quite opposite of what I was expecting and hoping to have happen. My excitement for a new job quickly fell away. Slowly but surely the bitterness of my heart turned from voicing my complaints to tainting my attitude. The Lord is faithful to convict in gentle ways. One morning after waking up late (after staying up too late the night before), I sat down to read something for only a few moments before leaving. Something is better than nothing, I thought. Hebrews 13:5-6 – “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So, we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’”

Ok, Lord. I can choose contentment. What I have right now and where I am is what the Lord has given me; I asked, and He provided. And in all the ways I feel the cost, He is there besides me, never to leave me. A faithful friend to shield and to guide. It’s been good to mourn, but it’s also been good to be grateful.

From Hannah:
I have been amazed at how God has provided for everyone’s needs thus far in the church plant. Before I made the move from Ames to Rochester, I had to find a short-term job for a few months. It was a very discouraging time as I went to interview after interview, and almost everyone told me no for the position or never got back to me. It was pretty obvious that God was closing doors for me in Ames. I had also done some interviews over the phone for jobs in Minnesota, but most of them said no as well.
I had one job offer in Rochester with an okay pay check per month. It was enough to get by each month, but not much more. So, I was stunned beyond words when I got the phone call that a position had opened up with better pay! I just couldn’t believe it! It’s been amazing to see how God has provided in all of our lives from small things like being offered a job with better pay, to big things like the board at Schaffer Academy approving Living Hope to rent space for a year from their school grounds on Sunday mornings.

From Emily:
Since moving to Rochester, I have been able to experience more grace and peace from God. In the hustle to find a job and the bustle of adapting to a new city, I was expecting much more anxiety and stress than what I have experienced. Every day was filled with a new gift and relationship that helped the transition go smoothly. The job God provided didn’t seem like anything too exciting, but as the months have rolled on the team here has really been a blessing for me as I have had so much life happen since April! God has richly blessed my life, and I am feeling His peace more and more because of it!

From Adriana:
Having been in Rochester for almost eight months, it seems more “real.” I have lived in Iowa my whole life and Ames for about 15 years… so it is still hard to call Rochester “home.” I asked the kids what they thought about our move and church now, and time has been more helpful to them… at first, they had struggled quite a bit with all the changes, but now it doesn’t seem to affect them as much. I also asked Mark what he thought… so we began a discussion on how all these life changes at once is what makes it hard (new job, new house, new church, new friends, new city, new “school,” new baby, new life…) Living Hope Church has grown already from a house church, to a meeting in a building, to having a semi-permanent Sunday morning location. We (church planters) have all experienced many blessings and encouragement throughout this journey together, but many have also experienced loss, hardship, pain, and trial. We have each other and even more, God’s unchanging and unfailing promises through it all, and that is how we are able to endure.

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” – James 1:12