Sermons from November 2015

Sermons from November 2015

What Fruit Were You Getting?

Romans so far. Romans 1-3:  God’s righteousness is revealed in The Gospel through his wrath at unrighteousnesses and ungodliness of every single individual of mankind.  And through His free gift of grace and mercy offered in Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice, which leads to eternal life. Romans 4: This promised eternal life comes only through faith in Jesus’s work for us, and not through any work of our own. Romans 5 All those with faith in Christ’s work are now at…

Grace Abounds Much More

Romans 5:12-21—Week 10—Grace Abounds Much More   During my high school and early college years, I was a sinner.  I was enslaved to sin.  My excessive drinking was constant.  My cursing and offensive speech regularly hurt and annoyed people, and certainly offended God.  My anxiety over school and money was consuming, at times.   I was a slave to my sin.   And as I heard the gospel message as a 19-year old, I realized that I was a slave…

Peace with God

Romans 5:1-11—Week 9—Peace with God Memory verse:  Romans 5:1 ESV  “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”    I have had a horrible month.  I have been stressed out to the max.  Financial worries.  Family worries.  Been on the verge of rage every day.  And I can’t seem to shake it.  My wife and I have had 3 horrible fights.  Once I almost hit her.  I’ve spent many hours…

Sons of Abraham

Review – Paul’s message so far The core message of Romans, and everything that we’ve been talking about so far is that God’s righteousness is revealed in The Gospel message. It is necessary, both because it is such a familiar term to those with a long-history as Christians, and such a foreign term to those who are new to the teachings of the Christian faith, to briefly define “God’s righteousness.”  Both its familiarity and its foreignness make it difficult to…