Sermons on Perseverance

Sermons on Perseverance

Hebrews 3:1-4:1 – Fix Your Mind on Jesus

Please turn with me to Hebrews chapter 3.  In today’s passage, we come across the first of several warning passages in the book of Hebrews. The passage warns us to “watch out, in case any of us has an evil and unbelieving heart”, and to not “harden our hearts” when God commands us. It seems to warn us that if we don’t hang on to the end we will not be considered part of God’s house, and that there may…

Stand Fast in Affliction

Our passage for today was written at a time when the apostle Paul, the spiritual father of the church, was kept from seeing the people in the church, kept from meeting with them and knowing how they were. And it opens with these words, which seem particularly apt for this day. Week 10 of being unable to meet together as a large group and our passage begins with: “…when we could bear it no longer…”  1 Thessalonians 3:1–13 (ESV) 1…

You, Our Glory and Joy

In one of the most uplifting letters in the New Testament, Paul is overjoyed at the faith of this young church in the midst of suffering. We who follow Christ can share in a similar joy as we walk by faith and help others do the same. When Christ comes again, those whom we have helped will be our glory and our joy!

John 10 – The Good Shepherd

Download sermon notes and discussion questions: (PDF, DOC) Today we continue our study of John in chapter 10. Jesus gives some of the most reassuring words in all the gospels. Jesus is the good shepherd. He calls to his people, his sheep, who know his voice, will follow him, and will never be cast out. If we are his sheep, if we believe he is the messiah, we can be sure he will never cast us away, even when the world…