Sermons on Attributes Of God

Sermons on Attributes Of God

Exodus 15-16: Proving, Testing, Resting

Please open your Bibles to Exodus 15. The last few weeks we have been studying God’s powerful deliverance of his people from slavery in Egypt. Last week we looked at how God miraculously defeated the Egyptian army, and led them to safety through the parted waters of the Red Sea, and they celebrated their rescue mightly and created a magnifient song that they sang! When we left off, these were the words ringing in the air. Miriam sang to them:…

Reflecting His Glory

When God made a covenant with Israel, He revealed Himself so clearly and gloriously to Moses that the skin on his face shone. The Israelites were afraid, so Moses covered his face with a veil. Fifteen hundred years later, Jesus inaugurated a new covenant with even more glory. As we fix our gaze on Jesus, we will be transformed into the image of God, boldly living and speaking and reflecting His glory to the world around us, bringing healing and hope to all who respond

The Justice and Mercy of God

I hope you were able to catch Dave’s sermon last week. If you missed it, I highly recommend that you give it a listen on our Web site. Dave laid out a very very helpful overview of what is going on with Romans 9. I am excited to continue that discussion today.  As Dave mentioned, Romans 9-11 are perhaps some of the most intimidating, and contested passages in the entire Bible. I thought it was amazing that in a 40…

God Shows No Partiality

INTRO AND RECAP – picking up Paul’s argument Today we’re picking up our series from the book of Romans in chapter 2, so if you’d all turn there with me, we’ll be working our way through the whole chapter, but with special focus on verses 1 through 16.  As you are turning, I just wanted to comment on the difficulty of a series like this.  Romans is one of the longest letters in the New Testament, and it is a…

Malachi: The Unchanging God

Forgotten OT Books:  Malachi—The Unchanging God   Have you ever said—or do you know someone who has said—that the Bible is out of date?  Old-fashioned?   We can criticize it for being out of touch with our advanced, sophisticated culture.   Yet when I read the Bible, I find it is incredibly relevant and up-to-date. Why? Because human nature hasn’t changed. The externals have changed.  Technology, for example. But the condition of the human heart has not. We are still…

Esther: The Unseen God

Forgotten OT Books:  Esther—The Unseen God     Has anyone here actually ever seen God? Has anyone actually seen heaven, like the Apostle Paul may have in 2 Corinthians 11? Has anyone actually seen a miracle? Like someone rising from the dead? Like a man with a shriveled arm made whole?   We cannot see or touch God, yet we believe that he is there. This is what FAITH really is. Hebrews 11:1 ESV  “Now faith is the assurance of…