Micah 6:8

Micah 6:8

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” – Micah 6:8

Over the summer, a doctor helped me find out the reason why I had been walking unevenly over the past several years. Through the treatment process, God revealed to me that I was “crippled” and how much I needed Him as my walking companion. This realization humbled me and taught me a little more about what walking humbly with God meant: that though I am weak and lowly, He is strong and ever with me.

Walking with God means that I cannot ignore him but rather be in conversation with him throughout the day. Imagine taking a walk with another person, it would be quite awkward if there were no conversations going on. Instead, we are mindful of the person with whom we walk. Being mindful of God throughout the day is a big part of learning to walk with him and is still a challenge to me.

In daily life, I have to fight the battle of feeling like a failure from time to time. Sometimes I wonder if I am a good witness for God, a good wife, mother, or friend. As I was picturing in my mind one day how one walked with God, I came to a sudden realization that it was as if the Lord was saying, “As long as you are walking with me, there is no way that you can fail me.”

As we walk humbly with our God, people will gradually see a little less of us and a little more of the One with whom we walk. Our humble walk is a witness to the world about our Lord, whom we know but the world does not.